We salute Tom Moore - Tom serves as the Deputy Chief at the Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company. His firefighting career began with a four-year stint at the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company, before moving to Bethany Beach in 1996, where he joined the local volunteer fire company and started his family. Moore has held various key roles, including Assistant Engineer, Chief Engineer, Fire Lieutenant, Assistant Chief, and Fire Chief. Beyond his volunteer service, he supervises the Career Division of the Millville Fire Company and works part-time for the Ocean City Fire Department, demonstrating his extensive commitment to the firefighting community. Spicer Bros. and CoastTV are honoring military persons and first responders serving Delmarva. If you have a family member, friend, or community member you'd like to nominate for a CoastTV Salute, go to CoastTVSalutes.com.