Atlantic Sturgeon

Locals discover this 6 foot long Atlantic Sturgeon on the beach. Courtesy of Assateague Island National Seashore. 

ASSATEAGUE ISLAND, Md. - Locals came across a cool discovery on Assateague Island. Amidst the sands, they encountered an Atlantic Sturgeon.

This creature has stood the test of time, virtually unchanged for the past 85 million years. The astonishing discovery reveals a 6-foot-long fish adorned with hard plates known as "scutes," bestowing upon its body an armor-like exterior. The Atlantic Sturgeon is known as a living fossil that continues to captivate scientists and enthusiasts alike with its prehistoric allure.

While the thrill of exploration is exciting to many on the shores, caution is advised. Experts warn against touching deceased animals, as they may harbor diseases and parasites that are harmful to humans. It is safe to remember to ensure curiosity is tempered with respect for nature's delicate balance.