Margaret and her babies

On April 19, a group of duck eggs found in the Delaware Division of Public Health lab courtyard hatched. Courtesy Brit Stewart.

SMYRNA, Del.- The Delaware Division of Public Health Lab (DPHL) recently experienced a delightful surprise when ducklings hatched at the facility.

Early Friday, April 19, a group of duck eggs were found in the DPHL courtyard and had hatched. Laura Matusheski for DPHL says the ducklings were carefully introduced to the outside world.

Smyrna Ducks

A mother duck builds a nest in the DPHL courtyard every year and according to staff has occurred over the last several years. Courtesy of Brit Stewart.

"The ducklings' playful quacks echoed through the hallways, brightening the atmosphere and creating a sense of camaraderie among the staff," said Matusheski. "After emerging from their shells, the ducklings chirped and wobbled around in their newfound freedom."

Matusheski says a parade was organized, with staff members escorting the ducklings from the facility to the nearby Lake Como.

Smyrna Ducks

Staff named Margaret Hatcher, the proud mother of the 13 ducklings. Courtesy of Brit Stewart.

A mother duck builds a nest in the DPHL courtyard every year and according to staff has occurred over the last several years. Staff named Margaret Hatcher, the proud mother of the 13 ducklings.

"Although it may not be the original mother duck, staffers believe she and/or her daughters and granddaughters have returned." said Matusheski.